Monday, September 29, 2014

6 YouTube Community Building Fundamentals

  1. Develop relationships with top contributors. Respond to frequent commenters, fans and followers. Ask questions about their interests etc.  The easiest way to find your top fans is to go to your Video Manager>Community>Fans.  Here you will find your most engaged and influential viewers.  Have you tried this?  Not only you will find your most important viewers here, if you go to Video Manager>Community>Insights, you can get vital data of your viewers like what they like to watch and general demographics.  YouTube is helping us understand our unique audience.  Use the tools and talk to them!
  2. Create content about your community.  Communities are about people. Talk about them as often as possible.  All of the top YouTubers talk directly to their fans and also create content specifically about them.  Whether it's a video about reading comments, giving away prizes or talking directly to them through their videos, your community will appreciate and embrace it.  Make videos involving your viewers!
  3. Recognize the contributions of individuals.  People love to be recognized.  It's a free way to encourage more contributions.  Talk about specific fans who gave you an idea about a video.  It kind of goes back to the above 2 but acknowledging the individual is important here.  
  4. Let heated debates happen.  Good debates are part of a healthy community.  Create content that spurs conversation.  Only remove hateful comments targeted at an individual or group.  
  5. Use the platform tools your community is familiar with.  Don't invest a minute of time into a social network that your community isn't using.   Find out what your viewers are on.  If they are on Instagram, that's where you should be.  Don't waste your time on Pintrest if your fans are not there. 

Have you already linked your G+ page to your YouTube page? If not you need to do that right now.  That way, you will be able to bring your top fans into Google Plus "Circles" so you can engage with them better.

Reference: YouTube Playbook


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